Tuesday, April 17, 2012

This Week's facebook Break & Goals

IMG_0318I go through spurts with facebook (FB). Sometimes I'm not on it very often, sometimes it seems like I'm constantly checking FB from my phone or computer. Periodically I feel like it's taking over too much of my time and I take a week-long hiatus from social media. This time, since one of my goals is to blog consistently, I haven't taken a full-blown break from the web, just a break from FB. In order to help me remember this, I logged out on my computer and deleted the app from my phone. It's sad how quickly things that don't matter at all can become second nature and the things that are important we have to work to fit in to a day. 

This week, I've got lots of big plans. I had a nice little routine in the months before Caroline was born (and consequently a very neat house... probably due to nesting, but hey, I'll take it); I watched that fly out the window as I adjusted to life with a newborn, a two year old, and a very busy husband (note to self: Youth Rally time is is not the ideal time to have a baby!). I don't think I can milk the "I've got a tiny baby" excuse much longer so this is the week I'm getting everything back together, with the Lord's help. I've been brainstorming schedules, routines, and meal plans. I'm trying to fit in more exercise, more devotion and quiet time, and I'm trying to come up with a curriculum of sorts for Riley. 

That last part has the teacher in me extremely excited. We're going to work on a portion of a Bible verse, a sign, a letter and its sound, and a shape each week (I hope). We'll sing songs and do crafts that go along with the "theme" (thank you Pinterest for the wonderful craft ideas!). I think Riley is going to love it! Even if she doesn't get everything, I'll be building background knowledge for when these things really count. 

In order to accomplish all these things during the week plus do the normal things I have to do on a daily basis, I've got to get my house under control (laundry and our bedroom are the main problem areas). It can't keep looking like a dryer puked on my bedroom floor. As of right now, all clean clothes are folded and in the process of being put away so we're on the right track. 

Now that everyone knows that I don't have things as together as it may appear, I'm going to get myself off the computer and work on some of this stuff. 

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