Thursday, May 31, 2012

Not So Wordless Wednesday

After church on Sunday, David was having a car wash at church with the youth to help the kids earn money for summer trips. Not really wanting to take the girls to lunch by myself (or head to the grocery store so close to nap time - my only other option), my good friend Esther went to lunch with the girls and me. 
After lunch, Esther came over to "play" before the evening service since her husband was grading papers. Riley was so happy to see her when she woke up from her nap.
She couldn't even keep her feet on the ground she was so excited. 
One of my oldest friends, Esther and I go back about 20 years. I'm so thankful for the good Christian friends that the Lord has blessed me with. I'm thankful for friends like Esther who go way back, I'm thankful for friends like Cindy who answer question after question about child training, and I'm thankful for friends like Lynn who listen to me rant when I feel like I "stink at life." I could go on and on telling you which friends I'm thankful for, but for now, we'll stick to three. 
The three of us worked diligently on this puzzle. We discovered two things. 1) It's dumb to do a puzzle on rugs, regardless of how cute they are. 2) There are two pieces missing to my US puzzle. I'm not sure if those pieces are somewhere in one of Riley's toy stashes or if they've been gone since my teaching days. I suppose time will tell: maybe they'll show up in one of my toy purges. 
As always, Caroline was sitting by eagerly watching us. She's 11 weeks old already, can you believe it? Before we know it, she'll be joining right in the fun.


  1. It's so wonderful to be blessed with friends!

  2. Sweet. Thanks for mentioning me, even if it was for the "I stink at life category" LOL!! And BTW, the reason puzzles make me crazy you ask? Exactly for the reason you described...missing pieces :)
